Just Say No To Seasickness

Let’s face it. NO one wants to be sick while enjoying a beautiful day out on the water, but unfortunately, that fate lingers as a potential for many. Good thing for boat goers, there are a few things that will help prevent it altogether or keep it at bay when the day starts to go sideways. For those lucky to have never caught the curse of the swirly sea, you can keep these tips in your back pocket to offer to others for when the moment strikes.


How To Say NO!


You will see differing side-effects when it comes to having a full stomach or an empty one, but all can agree that your last meals before going on a boat are going to stay where you put them if you stay on an “easy-going” digestive path.

Things to avoid:

  1. Dairy
  2. Spicy Foods
  3. Acidic Foods
  4. Fried Foods
  5. Processed Foods
  6. Fatty Foods
  7. Berries
  8. Alcohol
  9. Caffeine
Things to eat:

  1. Yogurt
  2. Bananas
  3. Lean Meat and Fish
  4. Whole Grains
  5. Ginger


Even if your diet has been optimized, seasickness can still be lurking around the corner. Lucky for you, there are quite a few options out there when it comes to over the counter and prescribed aids to help. As always, please follow the advice of your doctor when it comes to medication.

Over The Counter:
Antihistamines, such as ‘Dramamine’ or ‘Bonine’ which come in chewable and pill forms. These are great for spontaneous boat trips, but make sure you take them before you get on board! Be on the lookout for the non-drowsy versions to help keep you in the game for your snorkel adventure.

From Your Doctor:
Scopolamines, which come in the form of a patch or pill, is prescribed to you before your trip. This can be a great idea if you know that you are prone to motion sickness.
How To Say: “NO More!”


Seasickness is not a new battle for those who spend their lives out on the water. Long before scientists were on the case, sailors and passengers found ways to use their local resources and knowledge to their advantage.

An ancient Chinese fishers remedy for motion sickness focuses on the pressure points that control nausea on your wrists. Today we have products such as ‘Sea-Bands’ that give continued pressure on these points by way of wristbands, to leave you non-drowsy and free to enjoy your trip.

Ginger has long been used to help aid an upset stomach. Candied ginger, for a while, you are on the boat, and ginger capsules, for before and during your trip, are a great natural way to ease discomfort. Having some saltine crackers with ginger ale is also a great front against nausea once it has made itself known as a possibility.


Motion sickness is said to be caused by your inner ear experiencing a different motion than what you are looking at, a “crossing of the wires,” so to speak. With a little forward-thinking, you can help uncross those wires and beat the system.

On a boat, you can plan ahead with where you plan to station yourself for your trip to help avoid the most movement and the most inner ear confusion. In general, the center of the boat will have the least amount of movement during your voyage. Being in the most wide-open space will give you plenty of access to a fresh breeze. It is also helpful to find a place to sit where you have a clear view of the horizon or shoreline.

Mind Games:
Distraction is the name of the game. The more opportunity you give your brain to focus on the discomfort that might be building, the more your body will rise to that uneasy call. People who find themselves motion sick while in a car can usually find great relief if they drive the car. By driving the car, you allow your brain to anticipate the movement of the vehicle, thus syncing your inner ear and vision. With this idea in mind, you can find yourself a seat by the Captain of the boat and pretend like you are at the helm. If that doesn’t work, sink yourself deep into conversation with your neighbor to learn about their favorite places in Hawaii.

With so many effective remedies easily available, you’ll be able to enjoy your adventure and meet the open seas with a smile every time.

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